Phase 2: Test network release and technical optimization (Q4 2023 - Q1 2024)


  • Launch the X-AI test network and conduct large-scale technical testing and performance optimization to ensure the stability and security of the network.

  • Complete preliminary technical optimization to prepare for the main network launch.

Key Tasks:

  • Test Network Launch: Launch the X-AI test network, invite developers and early users to participate in the test, and collect feedback for technology iteration. The test network will include basic trading functions, smart contract deployment, and initial integration of the AI engine.

  • Security and performance testing: Focus on testing the consensus mechanism of the blockchain, transaction processing capability, network latency, and the accuracy of the AI engine's market prediction. We also conduct security testing, including anti-attack evaluation and smart contract vulnerability analysis.

  • Technical Optimization: Based on the feedback from the tests, we will carry out technical iterations to optimize system performance and user experience, and fix the discovered vulnerabilities and problems.

  • Developer Support: Provide developer tools and documents to encourage more developers to build decentralized applications (DApps) on the X-AI platform, and incentivize community contributions through the developer incentive program on the test network.

Last updated